Friday, July 29, 2005

The Box

The rather obscure reference to Joanna Southcott’s box in a Monty Python sketch involving a race by men of the cloth is finally laid to rest by a picture in the personal services section of “The Bridge Advertiser”; apparently its in desperate need of airing.


Anonymous said...

Joanna Southcott is a very good friend of mine -or she was before she got all big-headed when she won the Biffin Bridge Scrabble Championships last year and that was only because she used a double word score incorrectly by laying down the arabic word for clinker .But we've all passed a lot of water since then and byegones can be overlooked.I know I speak for her when I say that she will be doubly pleased that someone has found her box - a much treasured family heirloom .I only ask that the finder does not try clean her box because the mustiness was one of it's attractions and on a more practical note ,will devalue it when she needs to flog it -Mrs.D.V.Ashun

straightchris said...

Dear Mrs. Ashun,
I think it's best to draw a veil over the last scrabble contest and the injunction that followed.

We all realize that Ms. Southcott was a dear friend of yours, but, having died in 1814 won’t it be better to dig up the past by joining the local detectorist club instead where you can meet new friends.

We will forward your concerns about her box to the relevant authorities.

Your Faithfully,

U. Cnut

Co-chair regional indoor sports management of events managers