Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Spring cleaning - Flog a dead Blog!

PODCAST: KarmaBanque Radio

Apple squire in happier days before they turned to fruit and vegetables.

It is sad that the Apple head are having this ongoing dispute with Apple squire (the most litigious apple-polishers in the business).
This time they're going a courting in March 2006.

A similar case you may be of interested in The High Court of Justice Chancery division Court 73

Wednesday, 29 March 2006
At 10:30am

Apple Corps v Apple Computers
Solicitors: Nick Valner, Eversheds; Ian Terry, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
Counsel: Geoffrey Vos QC, 3 Stone Buildings; Daniel Alexander QC, 8 New Square; Lord Grabiner QC, One Essex Court
Trial date: 27 March 2006
Summary of case:: The Beatles’ record company Apple Corps is suing Apple Computers over its iTunes website. Apple Corps claims that the computer company breached a 1991 agreement over the ‘Apple’ brand by entering into the music business.

Apple corps (Domain name for sale)
Apple intranet

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