Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Biffin Bridge Bridge Club: His Excellency


The Biffin Bridge Bridge club welcomes a master of the Game John Dimitri Negroponte , who, some sore losers complain that he gets away with murder!


The Ambassador to Iraq is Zalmay Khalilzad who took over the post from John Negroponte in 2005.

Latest updates:

BBC Jim Nughtie interview

Socialist view of Negroponte's resume


Who is John Negroponte?

John Negroponte’s Human Rights Record Continues to Stir Debate

Congress ignores dirty War Past of New Iraq Envoy

Negroponte at the United Nations

Keeping the UN in Line

US Vetoes Resolution Against Israel on UN Killings

When Negroponte Raised His Hand, US Credibility Sunk to New Low

Featured Podcast: KarmaBanque radio

Biffin Bridge Bridge Club Passim


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Oh, please. You know you want to fuck his face!

straightchris said...

Thank you Madge for those kind words.